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SOUL Productions

In 2024, in its 30th year, SOUL is taking time out to review its purposes, priorities and practices. For  SOUL to continue to excite, entertain, advocate and educate about climate change action, we require support, in particular we need volunteers with skills in Fundraising, Grant Writing and Implementation, Governance, Strategic Planning and Implementation, and Administration. Seeking finances is essential to fund future productions. Contact us if you think you can help! 

2008 - CHRYSALIS by Dina Ross

Soul Theatre’s production for 2008 was Dina Ross’s Chrysalis. The purpose was to raise awareness of the horrors of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).


This production was SOUL’s first multi-media production. This play illuminates the world of institutionalized care in twentieth century Australia through the moving story of Dolly Stainer, a real live person who was left as a neglected five year old at The Mental Asylum in 1915. Here she remained for 75 years, developing just as the Asylum changed into The Kew Cottages.

2004 – LAUGHING WILD by Christopher Durang

SOUL Theatre’s production for 2004 was Christopher Durang’s Laughing Wild

ARTISTIC NOTES : Passionately raising awareness about Global Warming to a non-informed society, as well as about Depression, via this comedy!

PURPOSE : To raise awareness about Global warming and Depression

2003 - TWO by Ron Elisha

Soul Theatre’s production for 2003 was Ron Elisha’s Two. SOUL’s production was stimulated by the horrors of the 9/11 Twin Towers aeroplanes’ crash. Set shortly after WW II, SOUL is questioning society, “Haven’t we learned from History’s mistakes?”

2002 - NUTS, by Tom Topor

Soul Theatre’s production for 2002 was Nuts by Tom Topor

ARTISTIC NOTES : Bringing awareness about realistic issues of family dysfunction, sexual assault and mental illness in order to lessen the common, yet hidden, prolific occurrences

PURPOSE : To raise awareness/to bring conversation about the following issues, so as to bring attention/so as to reduce the traumas, in relation to Family Dysfunction; Sexual Assault and Mental Illness



The Benefit consisted of four scenes from A Lie of the Mind by Sam Shepard. After each scene, Alicia Liley stepped out of character to explain the circumstances about ABI as depicted in the scene.

After Interval, an arts extravaganza consisted of:

  • Alicia Liley singing solo;
  • Judy Jacques and Bob Sedergreen jammed with Alicia;
  • Original poetry recital by Alicia Liley backed by Judy Jacques and Bob Sedergreen;
  • Original music by guitarists Andrew Pendlebury and Doug de Vries
  • Alicia Liley danced to original music of Doug de Vries and Andrew Pendlebury;
  • Comedy from Bob Franklin

PURPOSE  : Raising finances for the continuation of Soul Theatre Inc.

1994 - A LIE OF THE MIND, by Sam Shepard

ARTISTIC NOTES : Soul Theatre’s production  A Lie of the Mind by Sam Shepard was selected as our inaugural production because the protagonist, Beth, acquires brain injury from domestic violence. Both issues align to Soul Theatre’s mission statement.  Alicia Liley who performed this character Beth, also has acquired brain injury (ABI) from a near-fatal car accident. She saw many correlations between Beth’s and her own recovery.

PURPOSE : Raise awareness of the general public about both Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and domestic violence, in order to reduce the prolific occurrences of both adversities, as well as to lessen the inherent prejudice towards survivors.

Frédéric Ducarme | CC-BY-SA