Board Members

Alicia founded SOUL Theatre Incorporated (SOUL), July 16, 1993 as a Not-For-Profit Community, Charitable organisation. From 1994-2008, SOUL produced Theatrical and Multimedia productions. Whilst still keeping theatre in our make-up, SOUL still remains with the essence of being a Communicative Vehicle for the disadvantaged as a voice for the voiceless.
Since 2004, SOUL has been producing works educating society further about The Climate Change Crisis via SOUL’s CLIMAMANIA PROJECTS. CLIMAMANIA represents the elderly, infants, youth, disabled, mentally ill, neurodiverse, bedridden, sick, homeless, Indigenous, animals and environment (Fauna &Flora), third World nations, future generations and the poor.
CLIMAMANIA PROJECTS incorporates Events, such as CLIMATE ENERGY; CLIMATE, CREATIVITY &GROWTH; ENVIRUCATION with Climate Scientists and Activists with various Creativities presenting; &ongoing events; Theatre; Choir, SOUL SINGERS; Creative Workshops; SOUL’s INTERNATIONALCOMMUNITIES for CLIMATE ACTION (SICCA); S.A.F.E.S. (SOUL’s Arty Farty Enviro. Stuff) Workshops, etc.
Alicia’s life revolves around SOUL as it is designed to educate and raise awareness about societal issues that affect every one of us, either directly or indirectly, our work serves to bring benefits throughout the World, having begun with the local community. Alicia became an International Best Selling Author in Nov. 2018. Writing is to be a component of SOUL, with plans of Poetry Evenings; Book Clubs; Comedy; Music creations. In March 2018, Alicia began to prepare SOUL’s School, incorporating all such creativities, including Gardening; Cooking; Sculpture; Ceramics; Drama, etc.
TREASURER: (vacant)

SECRETARY: Porsche Jansuwan
Porsche was born in Thailand where she graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts(Major: Set Design, Minor: Advertising) from Bangkok University, Thailand in 2016. In 2021, she graduated with a Masters of Culture and Creative Industry at Monash University. Porsche’sprofessional experience includes working as a Set Designer and General Manager of Motocross 360Degree. She is currently employed as an Attendant Carer for SOUL’s CEO, Alicia Liley whilst simultaneously volunteering as Secretary at SOUL Theatre Inc. With her passion in different kinds of art, Porsche also operates as a freelance photographer and videographer.