Exasperated for simply producing finances (that only achieved $20K: from The Ian Potter Foundation, 21-12-2010 and The R.E. Ross Trust, 17-05-2011 of $10K each), Alicia was determined to communicate and educate the essence and various aspects of the Climate Change Crisis, so LAUNCHED The Climamania Project in 2012 with various creative events:
These took the form of four presentation/performances, known as C1 through C4.
18 March, 2012: C1 – Climamania Launch Event
16 June, 2012: C2 – Climamania Event Nr 2, continuing the momentum
6 September 2012: C3 – Climamania Event Number 3, schools’ performance of Groundtruthing by Peter Hardy
10 November 2012: C4 – Climamania Event Number 4, Bob Brown and other speakers, plus a performance of Groundtruthing by Peter Hardy
In 2013 and 2014, SOUL faced personal and organisational challenges, which meant that no productions were realised in those years.
2015 offered the opportunity to present several Short Plays on Climate Change that were waiting in the wings. SOUL registered for the 2015 Melbourne Fringe Festival with:
28 September – 4 October 2015: C5 – Climamania Event Number 5, The Climamania Mini-Festival of Short Plays and Music which also included comedy and poetry.