
Volunteering with SOUL Theatre
Why We Need You
SOUL Theatre Inc. is a professional theatre company, and engages and pays professional directors, actors and crew for its major productions.
For its core administration, however, it does not receive on – going funding and so it relies on volunteers to sustain and develop its activities. Everyone from the Board members down, including the Founder/Artistic Direct or/CEO Alicia Liley, contributes voluntarily.
Despite this, the company has always had a professional ethos and commitment to quality in all aspects of its work. As the company grows, the intention is to offer paid positions providing career opportunities and employment stability.
The company is developing a Volunteer and Procedures Policy, Volunteer Charter and Implementation Strategy to ensure that volunteering with SOUL Theatre is a positive experience for all.
What Needs Doing
The company is looking for people with a variety of skills to fill available voluntary positions.
These positions include:
- Policymaking governance roles at Board level;
- Executive, leadership roles working directly with the CEO; and
- Task-orientated, team-player roles.
- Board positions require people with industry experience, vision, governance and policymaking skills, to help set and monitor the direction of SOUL Theatre Inc. and ensure the financial and legal basis of the company. It helps, but is not necessary, if Board members have experience in the area of culture and the arts. The Board meets every four to six weeks and members may be asked to do research, review reports, assist with sponsorship campaigns and represent the company at peak level.
- Executive positions require leadership, strategic thinking, planning and management skills and experience, finance and fundraising, particularly as they apply to the performing arts.
- Team-player roles are task-orientated positions and are specific to a particular department within the company. SOUL needs people who have experience in any one or more of the following: secretarial office work, book-keeping, marketing, personnel, fund-raising, medialiaison, customer service, theatre production and stage management. Teams are divided broadly into:
- Administration
- Marketing and Communication, and
- Theatre production.
Most positions can be achieved with either one or two days per week of volunteer time, with occasional peaks and troughs at production time
Currently, the company is seeking to fill three Board positions, three Executive positions and
one position in Personnel.
These are:
- President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- General Manager
- Marketing and Communications Manager
- Executive Producer
- Volunteer Coordinator
Click on a position for more information including the relevant Position Description.
Contact CEO Alicia Liley with any enquiries.